1.1. The Rules for Passenger Transportation (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed in accordance with Article 102 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 4 of the Federal Aviation Regulations "General Rules for Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and requirements for Servicing Passengers, Shippers, and Consignees", approved by Order No. 82 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated 28.06.2007 (hereinafter referred to as FAP-82).
1.2. These rules apply when performing air transportation of passengers and baggage performed by NAN (hereinafter referred to as the Airline) and are an integral part of the air transportation contract.
1.3. The terms of the air transportation contract are contained in the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the Rules, Conditions for applying the fare, and the transport document.
1.4. The Rules establish the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Airline and passengers using the Airline's services.
1.5. When entering into an air transportation contract, the Rules, tariffs and fees that apply as of the date of registration of the transport document apply.
1.6. The Rules may be changed by the Airline without prior notice to Passengers, provided that the changes do not apply to Passengers after the conclusion of the air transportation contract.
1.7. The following provisions apply to the terms of an air carriage contract that are not regulated by the Rules: ФАП-82.
1.8. The terms and abbreviations used in the Rules are given in the Appendix 1.
2.1. Securing a passenger seat and carrying capacity for Passenger transportation and baggage for a specific flight and date (hereinafter referred to as booking) on the aircraft is a mandatory condition for Passenger transportation by air and luggage.
2.2. Booking of air transportation of passengers and baggage can be made:
- in offical siteе Airlines;
- in call-center Airlines;
- in in-house sales offices and authorized air ticket sales AGENCY;
- in air ticket sales agencies.
2.3. The booking is reflected in the Airline's automated booking system with a unique number assigned to it. The booking contains information about transportation, special services and Passenger data (last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, type and number of identity document).
2.4. When booking, the passenger indicates a mobile phone number and/or email address or other means of communication to inform him of changes in the schedule and for communication.
The Airline informs the Passenger about the change in the aircraft schedule (flight cancellation, delay, change to an earlier departure time) by notification by mobile phone number (oral, using a voice robot or SMS (short text message), or by sending a notification by e-mail, or by sending a notification via the Viber messenger, Telegram messenger, or the VKontakte social network.
The Passenger is considered to be duly informed about the change in the aircraft schedule from the moment of receiving the relevant notification (Article 165.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 74 of the Federal Aviation Rules "General Rules for the Air Carriage of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Servicing Passengers, Consignors, Consignees" (approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 28.06.2007 No. 82). The Passenger confirms that the person specified in the booking and/or when purchasing from third parties of the air ticket, the mobile phone number actually belongs to the Passenger.
In the event of purchasing an air ticket for the needs of the passenger/passengers by a third party (including, but not limited to cases of an employer purchasing an air ticket to send an employee on a business trip, as well as in the case of group transportation (athletes, musicians, children, tourists, etc.), the passenger is considered to be duly informed of the change in aircraft movements from the moment of receiving the corresponding notification from the person whose mobile phone number is indicated in the reservation and/or when purchasing the air ticket from third parties.
If, when booking, a phone number is indicated that excludes the possibility of sending an SMS (short text message), notification via the Viber messenger, Telegram messenger, VKontakte social network (for example, a landline subscriber number is indicated), as well as in the event of indicating any inaccurate/incorrect contact information, the Passenger bears the consequences of not receiving the notifications sent to him.
2.5. In case of preferential transportation or transportation via subsidized FARE, the passenger is required to provide documents proving their identity and right to benefits when issuing a ticket.
2.6. If the Passenger refuses to provide the information required for booking, the booking will not be made.
2.7. Transportation is agreed with the Airline:
- A passenger with a child under 2 years of age;
- a child who is not accompanied by an adult Passenger or a Passenger who, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, has acquired full legal capacity before reaching the age of eighteen and will be transported under the supervision of the Airline;
- a seriously ill Passenger;
- of a sick Passenger on a stretcher;
- A visually impaired passenger with a guide dog;
- A passenger whose ability to move when using air transport is limited and / or whose condition requires special attention during maintenance (passenger with reduced mobility);
- A Passenger with weapons and/or ammunition;
- of the Passenger's baggage when entering into an air transportation contract that provides for free baggage allowance in excess of the free baggage allowance established by the Airline, or the Passenger's baggage when entering into an air transportation contract that does not provide for free baggage allowance (excess baggage);
- baggage, one piece of which in packed form exceeds two hundred and three centimeters in the sum of three dimensions (oversized baggage);
- passenger's baggage, one piece of which exceeds thirty kilograms (heavy baggage);
- of baggage that must be carried only in the cabin of the aircraft;
- dogs, cats, birds and other small domestic (tamed) animals, service dogs of the cynological service of federal executive authorities;
- animals, birds, insects, fish, etc. (animals) that are not related to tamed domestic animals or birds;
- of human and animal remains.
2.8. To approve a request for transportation of an animal, the Passenger must provide information about the type of animal, weight, breed (for a dog), and size of the container. A passenger may be refused transportation of an animal if the information provided in the request is found to be inconsistent.
2.9. The booking will be cancelled without notice to the Passenger if the Passenger does not pay for the carriage within the time period set by the Airline and the ticket is not issued.
2.10. If the Passenger has not used the reserved seat on any part of the transportation route, the Passenger informs the Airline about the intention to continue transportation on subsequent sections of the transportation route through any available communication channel:
- по месту приобретения билета;
- in in our own sales offices and authorized air ticket sales agency;
- via call-center Airlines;
- through site Airlines;
- is available via social networks and instant messengers listed on the Airline's official website.
2.11. If the Passenger has not indicated their intention to continue the flight, the Airline has the right to cancel the booking on each subsequent section of the flight route without notifying the Passenger. A Passenger's refusal to carry out transportation on any part of the transportation route is recognized as a change in the transportation route and is carried out in accordance with the procedure provided for changing the terms of the air transportation contract by the Passenger.
3.1. A carriage fee is charged for passenger and baggage transportation on the Airline's regular flights.
3.2. The carriage fee is determined based on the amount of money set by the Airline for transporting a passenger and / or baggage between two points on the transportation route (hereinafter-TARIFFS) (see point 5 of the "Tariffs and Fees" Rules).
The carriage fee is indicated in the transport document.
3.3. Payment for transportation and ticket processing are made after booking, with the exception of certain cases specified ниже.
3.4. Payment for transportation and ticket processing may be made prior to booking in the following cases::
- registration of a ticket with an open departure date (without specifying a fixed date in the ticket);
- registration of a ticket with a waiting status of free capacity (a ticket with a "pick-up" status);
- of ticket processing if there are free carrying capacities after the end of passenger registration and registration luggage.
3.5. When paying for the carriage of a Passenger and their baggage, the rates applicable on the start date of carriage apply. If fares are changed by the Airline prior to the start of transportation, passengers will be transported on tickets issued before the fare change without recalculating passengers, provided that the original terms of the air transportation contract are preserved.
3.6. If the Passenger voluntarily changes the terms of the air transportation contract before the start of transportation, the carriage fee is determined on the basis of the tariffs in force on the date of the start of the new air transportation.
3.7. If the Passenger voluntarily changes the terms of the air carriage contract after the start of carriage, or if the carriage fee changes, the carriage is carried out at the rates that were in effect on the date of the start of carriage.
3.8. Confirmation of the fact of payment for transportation is the route receipt of the electronic ticket.
4.1. Transportation documents include: ticket, baggage receipt, order of various charges, receipt for payment of excess baggage, receipt of various charges, electronic multi-purpose document.
4.2. Transportation documents are issued by the Airline or an Authorized Agent.
4.3. A separate ticket is issued for each Passenger.
4.4. The ticket is issued on the basis of the passenger's identity document, which is required in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to transport the passenger on the route provided for in the air transportation contract. The ticket data must fully correspond to the data of the document used for issuing the ticket.
4.5. in случае продажи preferential transportation or transportation at a special FARE the ticket is issued based on the data of an identity document and documents confirming the passenger's right to a benefit or application of a special fare.
4.6. Tickets for Airline flights are issued on the basis of a Passenger's identity document, which includes::
- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- diplomatic passport;
- service passport;
- birth certificate for persons under 14 years of age;
- military ID card;
- temporary ID card issued by the internal affairs bodies;
- military ID card for conscripted or contracted military personnel;
- certificate of release for released persons from places of deprivation of liberty;
- national passport (for foreigners);
- residence permit (for foreigners).
4.7. If the Passenger intends to present at check-in a different identity document than the one on the basis of which the ticket was issued, the Passenger applies to the Airline or an Authorized Agent in advance of check-in to make changes to the ticket and the automated booking system regarding the identity document, and the Airline or an authorized agent performs actions to make these changes.
4.8. Use of the ticket by a person who is not indicated in the ticket is not allowed.
5.1. Amount of money for transportation of Passengers and / or baggage between two points (hereinafter referred to as the tariff) and the conditions for applying the tariffs are established by the Airline in accordance with the Rules for the formation and Application of tariffs for regular Air Transportation of passengers and Baggage, collection of fees in the field of civil aviation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of September 25, 2008 no. 155.
5.2. For transportation between two points of one passenger and their baggage within the free baggage allowance, the passenger fare is set.
For transportation between two points of a unit of weight/piece of baggage, the baggage fee is set тариф.
5.3. The passenger fare includes expenses related to the provision and performance of Passenger transportation, including the costs of booking, processing payments and transportation documents (with the exception of fees for cancellation operations, making calculations of amounts due for refund, processing refunds and fees for operations to change the terms of the air transportation contract), for Passenger service at airports, on board aircraft, in case of flight delays, flight cancellations, changes in the route of transportation, and other expenses in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the country of departure, destination, and transit, and the Airline's rules.
5.4. The baggage fare includes expenses related to providing and performing transportation of baggage that is not included in the free baggage allowance, including the costs of booking, processing payments and transportation documents, handling baggage that is not included in the free baggage allowance at airports, and other expenses in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international agreements Russian Federation, the legislation of the country of departure, destination and transit, and the Airline's rules.
5.5. Several passenger fares can be set between two points, which differ in the level and / or conditions of the fare application.
5.6. The number of passenger seats offered for booking transportation by fare levels is determined by the Airline.
5.7. Changes in fares or Rules do not affect the terms of the concluded air transportation contract.
5.8. When arranging transportation, the rates, fees and conditions of use of the tariff established on the date of the start of transportation are applied.
5.9. The passenger has the right to change the route of transportation, unless otherwise stipulated by the fare application conditions.
5.10. The validity period of the fare is set by the Airline. The start date of the tariff is the first date on which transportation paid for by the tariff can start, and the end date of the tariff is the last date on which transportation paid for by the tariff can start.
5.11. If the Passenger changes the conditions of carriage (changing the route, date, or time of departure) and the fare changes, a new ticket is issued at the rate corresponding to the new carriage. The fare for modified transportation is calculated in accordance with the rules for recalculating the fare associated with the route change. If the modified fare is higher, the surcharge is calculated as the difference between the modified fare and the original fare, including all necessary fees.
The corresponding difference is charged to the Passenger. If the changed fare is less than the original one, the Passenger will not be refunded the difference in fares.
5.12. The Airline may refuse to transport Passengers and baggage if payment is not made at the appropriate rate.
5.13. Airport, state and other charges imposed on international flights, Airline fees and ticket form fees are included in the ticket price and are also paid by the Passenger.
6.1. Making changes to the Booking, including paying for Luggage (if applicable), choosing a seat in the cabin of the aircraft and adding other additional services, possible:
- through call-center Airlines;
- in in our own sales offices and authorized air ticket sales AGENCIES;
- on official site Airlines;
- for online flight check-in (no earlier than 24 hours and no later than 3 hours before the flight departure time);
- at the check-in counters at the departure airport.
6.2. A specific seat in the aircraft cabin is assigned when making an additional "Seat selection" service or when checking in for a flight.
6.3. Changing a seat on board the aircraft at the initiative of the Passenger is possible for an additional fee before the end of check-in for the flight or on board the aircraft after boarding (check with the flight attendant for availability). Unauthorized change of seat on board the aircraft is not allowed. During the flight, the passenger must be in the designated seat indicated on the boarding pass.
6.4. In the interests of flight safety, crew members have the right to change the seating arrangement of passengers in the aircraft cabin at any time, including if the condition of the Passenger occupying a seat near the emergency exit does not allow for the evacuation of passengers and crew members from the aircraft in emergency situations.
6.5. In the interests of flight safety, passengers of special categories are not accommodated:
At the emergency exit:
- children from 2 to 18 years old;
- passengers with infants under 2 years old;
- pregnant women;
- passengers, mental health and / or whose physical condition does not allow them to quickly understand the crew's instructions and / or perform the necessary actions in case of emergency evacuation;
- passengers accepted for transportation in custody;
- passengers who are denied entry to the country by the Airline or state authorities, or who are denied further transportation at the transit point, as well as deported passengers (regardless of the presence of accompanying persons);
- passengers with luggage in the cabin of the aircraft;
- courier staff special communication services that transport official correspondence.
To the front row seats:
- passengers with luggage that is carried on a separate seat in the cabin of the aircraft;
- passengers traveling with pets in the cabin of the aircraft;
- employees of the courier service and special communications service, carriers of official correspondence.
6.6. The airline provides catering services. The service is paid, available for pre-order (order is possible no later than 24 hours before departure) or in the form of a paid mini-bar menu on board the aircraft.
6.7. Passengers with disabilities and other persons with disabilities, when purchasing a ticket, notify the Airline about their existing disabilities, as well as about the characteristics of individual vehicles (when using them) in any of the following ways::
- in own sales offices and authorized agencies selling air tickets ;
- through call-center Airlines;
- на siteе Airlines;
- via social networks and messengers listed on the Airline's official website.
7.1.1. Online check-in is available on the Airline's website https://flysmartavia.com (Online services-Check-in for the flight ) no earlier than 24 hours and no later than 3 hours before departure.
7.1.2. Please print out your boarding pass in advance for presentation at the airport. At
the airport, you can also print out your boarding pass at the check-in desk before it ends.
In some airports:
- boarding pass printing service is provided in universal self-printing machines;
- you can use an electronic boarding pass on a mobile device (when using an electronic boarding pass, take into account the need to present it at the boarding gate and at the entrance to the aircraft).
7.1.3. To transport baggage for a Passenger who has completed online check-in, please contact the check-in or Drop-Off desk before the check-in deadline. рейс.
7.1.4. Online check-in is not available for the following categories of passengers:
- unaccompanied children;
- passengers with limited mobility who require a flight escort service;
- passengers with disabilities;
- passengers carrying animals.
7.2.1. Check-in at the airport starts no later than 2 hours before departure and ends 40 minutes before departure.
7.2.2. Unaccompanied children can only check in at the check-in desk at the departure airport.
7.2.3. Passengers with disabilities and other persons with disabilities who require an escort are registered for the flight only at the check-in desk at the departure airport.
7.2.4. Passengers carrying animals can only check in at the check-in desk at the departure airport.
7.2.5. A passenger who is late for the end of check-in time is not allowed to fly. If there are no risks of flight delays or other factors, the Airline Representative can re-open check-in for late passengers. This service is provided on a paid basis.
8.1 The passenger has the right to refuse transportation in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. If the Passenger has not used the reserved seat on any part of the transportation route, the Passenger informs the Airline about the intention to continue transportation on subsequent sections of the transportation route through any available communication channel:
- at the place of ticket purchase;
- in in our own sales offices and authorized air ticket sales agency;
- via call-center Airlines;
- through site Airlines;
- via social networks and messengers specified on official site Airlines.
8.2 The airline has the right to cancel or delay the flight indicated in the ticket, replace the aircraft, change the route of transportation, if this is required by the conditions of flight safety and/or transport (aviation) security, as well as at the request of state bodies in accordance with their competence.
8.3 The Airline may unilaterally terminate the air transportation contract in the following cases:
- violation of passport, customs, sanitary and other requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding air transportation;
- refusal of the Passenger to comply with the requirements imposed on him by federal aviation regulations;
- if the Passenger's health condition requires special conditions for air transportation, or threatens the safety of the Passenger or other persons, which is confirmed by medical documents, as well as creates confusion and irremediable inconvenience for other persons;
- refusal of the Passenger to pay for the carriage of their baggage in the amount and on the terms stipulated in the contract air transportation;
- violation by the Passenger of the rules of conduct on board the aircraft, creating a threat to the safety of the aircraft's flight, or a threat to the life or health of other persons, as well as failure by the Passenger to comply with the orders of the Aircraft commander;
- presence in the Passenger's belongings, as well as in the baggage of items or substances prohibited for air transportation;
- and in other cases established by the current legislation РФ.
8.4 The procedure for returning the fare to the Passenger in connection with the Passenger's voluntary refusal from transportation is determined in accordance with the rules and conditions for applying the fare.
8.5 Refund of the freight fee is made at the place of payment for transportation in accordance with the procedure established by the rules for applying tariffs.
8.6 Cancellation fee for a Passenger's flight is charged in case of termination of the air transportation contract due to the Passenger's voluntary refusal of all or part of the transportation in accordance with the fare application conditions (more than 24 hours before departure).
9.1.1 free carry-on baggage norm and without additional charge, the Passenger is entitled to carry the following items:
- a backpack that measures 30x25x7cm and weighs up to 3 kg, or a ladies' bag, or a briefcase with things enclosed in the backpack, bag, or briefcase;
- goods purchased in duty-free shops at the airport, packed in a sealed (sealed) plastic bag, the dimensions of which are 30x25x7cm and weighing up to 2 kg;
- medicines, special dietary needs in the amount required for the duration of the flight;
- bouquet of flowers;
- umbrella or walking stick (not a beach umbrella);
- outerwear;
- baby food for the child during the flight;
- suit case. The suit case does not contain any additional internal attachments. It is not allowed to carry any other items in a holdall, except for a suit;
- a device for carrying a child (a baby carrier, restraining systems (devices) for children under two years old, a baby carriage and other devices) when transporting a child, the dimensions of which correspond to the standards for carrying hand luggage, and allow you to safely
- crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, folding wheelchairs used by the Passenger and having dimensions that allow them to be safely placed in the cabin of the aircraft on the shelf above the passenger seat or under the seat in front of the passenger seat. front passenger seat;
- laptop in a case/bag, without a case/bag, no more than 55x40x7 cm in size.
9.1.2 Additionally, one item of the following items is allowed to be transported in the aircraft cabin:
- food package (you can take a package of food that you bought after passing the pre-flight inspection to have a snack on the flight);
- photo or video video equipment (you can take one set with dimensions no more than 40x30x20 cm);
- soft toy, doll, typewriter (toy dimensions no more than 55x40x20 cm). Free of charge only for passengers under 12 years of age.).
9.1.3 Hand luggage is easily and effortlessly placed in a special iron calibrator compartment, while the calibrator lid closes completely and effortlessly.
9.1.3 Hand luggage dimensions are checked twice. The first time at the check-in counters, the second check-in is performed at the boarding gate. Control of the dimensions in the boarding area is carried out before scanning the boarding pass.
9.1.4 If the hand luggage exceeds the dimensions of 40x30x20 cm or weighs more than 10 kg, then this hand luggage is transported for an additional fee.
9.1.5 The carry-on baggage allowance of several passengers traveling together is not combined.
9.1.6 Hand luggage exceeding the weight and / or dimensions of the standards set out above is checked in by the Passenger in accordance with the terms of the concluded air transportation contract.
9.1.7 A folding wheelchair that has dimensions that do not allow it to be safely placed in the cabin of the aircraft is checked in free of charge, i.e. in excess of the established norm.
9.1.8 Baby strollers only when transporting a child (including strollers that can be folded according to the "cane" design), the dimensions of which do not meet the standards for carrying hand luggage, and do not allow them to be safely placed in the cabin of the aircraft, are checked in baggage at check-in in excess of the established free baggage allowance luggage.
9.1.9 In order to ensure transport (aviation) safety on Airline flights, the following items are prohibited from being carried in the cabin of the aircraft:
- corkscrews;
- knitting needles;
- scissors;
- any knives;
- mercury градусники.
For a complete list of items and substances prohibited for carriage in checked baggage and hand luggage, see Appendix 2. Праinил.
Transportation of musical instruments is carried out both in the luggage compartment and in the passenger compartment inС.
In the passenger cabin of the aircraft, musical instruments are carried as hand luggage at no extra charge in accordance with certain conditions:
- the passenger carrying a musical instrument does not have an additional hand luggage;
- the dimensions of musical instruments do not exceed 40x30x20 cm and the weight does not exceed weight of hand luggage according to the fare.
If the Passenger has additional hand luggage, except for a musical instrument, or if the specified dimensions are exceeded, musical instruments are transported in the baggage compartment as checked baggage (according to the fare application conditions).
As hand luggage with the provision of an additional passenger seat in the cabin of the aircraft, subject to the purchase of the "Cabin baggage" service.
You can purchase the service together with the purchase of an air ticket.
Ordering and paying for an extra seat is done by:
- in in our own sales offices and authorized air ticket sales agency;
- via call-center Airlines;
- through site Airlines;
- via social networks and messengers specified on official site Airlines.
When a Passenger purchases an additional seat, the checked baggage allowance does not increase.
The passenger's baggage in the sum of three dimensions does not exceed 203 cm and weighs no more than 32 кг.
In some cases, it is allowed to accept luggage weighing from 32 to 50 kg and the sum of three dimensions is more than 203 cm. Transportation of this baggage must be agreed in advance with Аinиакомпанией:
- in in our own sales offices and authorized air ticket sales agency;
- via call-center Airlines;
- through site Airlines;
- via social networks and messengers specified on official site Airlines.
In the absence of prior approval and confirmation by the Airline of the carriage of these categories of baggage, the Airline has the right to refuse to provide them to the Passenger. переinозке.
Packing luggage weighing more than 32 kg provides for the possibility of handling it with two loaders. This baggage is marked with a HEAVY weight tag.
Oversized luggage is transported to the pick-up area manually.
Oversized and heavy baggage is loaded into the aircraft by means of apron mechanization.
Items with dimensions exceeding 203 cm or weighing 50 kg are accepted for carriage only as cargo.
Transportation of weapons - sports, hunting, military and spare parts for them, as well as ammunition, is carried out only if the Passenger has a permit for storage, storage and carrying, storage and use, for importation into the Russian Federation of the corresponding types, types and models of weapons or licenses for their purchase, collection or display of weapons and a business trip certificate. (instructions) with a note about the presence of weapons.
Pneumatic devices with a muzzle energy of more than 3 joules belong to civilian weapons and are transported in accordance with the procedure prescribed for other weapons. When transporting air weapons with a muzzle energy of more than 7.5 J and a caliber of more than 4.5 mm, you must have a permit to carry and store them.
Air ARMS | Permissionfor carrying a passenger's gun | CONDITIONSweapons registration at the AIRPORT | Putting a remarkWEAP in DCS | NotificationКinС / paperwork NOTOC |
With muzzle energy up to 3 J | not REQUIRED | in general baggage without special conditions | not required REQUIRE | not required |
With muzzle energy from 3x to 4.5 J | REQUIRED | Оформление through САБ | required | required |
With muzzle energy from 4.5 x to 7.5 J | REQUIRED | Registration via SUB | REQUIRE | required |
Weapons, ammunition and special equipment that are allowed for transportation, registered, seized during inspection and transported in packed form in the baggage-cargo compartments inС.
A piece of weapons and ammunition is considered as one piece and is included in the free baggage allowance for checked baggage. If the fare in the ticket belongs to the "Light" group, then the payment is calculated at the rate of an additional seat in excess of the required amount. luggage.
Weapons in the amount of not more than 5 units, ammunition in the amount of not more than 1000 pieces, weighing not more than 5 kg are accepted for carriage as checked baggage from one Passenger. Cartridges weighing more than 5 kg are allowed to be transported only as dangerous goods.
Transportation of weapons belonging to citizens is carried out in cases, holsters or special cases, as well as in special packaging of the weapon manufacturer (for foreign citizens, transportation of weapons imported into the territory of the Russian Federation for hunting and participation in sports events to the venue of the relevant event is carried out in lockable cases).
Transportation of ammunition with explosive or incendiary bullets, cartridges for gas weapons, as well as devices equipped with tear or irritating substances on board civil aviation aircraft is prohibited.
Electric shock devices and spark arresters of domestic production belong to civilian weapons and are transported in accordance with the procedure prescribed for other weapons. When transporting electric shock devices, it is necessary to carry a document with technical characteristics to verify that the output parameters of the device comply with the established state standards of the Russian Federation. The turnover of electric shock devices manufactured outside of Russia is prohibited, and their transportation is accordingly prohibited.
Passengers traveling by transfer from foreign countries through one airport of the Russian Federation to another are registered before the airport of initial landing on the territory of the Russian Federation. Registration, delivery and loading of weapons of such passengers on board the aircraft is carried out in accordance with Chapter II of the Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 275 of 16.08.2021.
Transportation of passengers traveling by transfer from one airport of the Russian Federation through another to a foreign country is processed before the transfer airport on the territory of the Russian Federation. At the transfer airport, registration, delivery and loading of weapons of such passengers on board the aircraft is carried out in accordance with Chapter III of the Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 275 of 16.08.2021.
9.5.1. Liability for transportation of animals Airline's responsibility:
- The airline is not responsible for any deterioration of the animal's health that may occur before, during or after the flight.
- The airline is not responsible if the destination or transit country prohibits entry or transit. жиinотного.
- The airline may refuse to transport an animal if the passenger does not have a confirmed ticket reservation and if the passenger refuses to pay for the transportation жиinотного. Passenger responsibility:
- The passenger must comply with all the requirements of the Airline and veterinary control authorities that apply to the transportation of animals on board the aircraft.
- The passenger will have to reimburse the Airline for all losses and additional expenses if an emergency occurs due to a violation of the rules for transporting animals during the flight.
9.5.2. Transportation of animals is carried out in accordance with the requirements of LAR.
9.5.3. Dogs, cats, birds and other small domestic (tamed) animals are accepted for carriage only if accompanied by a Passenger aged 12 years or more and with prior approval from the Airline:
- по месту приобретения билета;
- in in our own sales offices and authorized air ticket sales agency;
- via call-center Airlines;
- through site Airlines;
- via social networks and messengers specified on official site Airlines.
9.5.4. When transporting domestic animals (birds), the Passenger submits documents stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties and the legislation of the country, to, from or through the territory of which the carriage is carried out. Information about the import and export of animals can be found on the websites of the relevant state bodies of Russia and destination countries.
9.5.5. The following items are not accepted for transportation as baggage (in the cabin and in the baggage compartment of the aircraft): arthropods, reptiles, rodents; fish and fish landing material, sea and river animals that require transportation in water; animals and birds that are not domesticated (taken from the wild), large predators that are in a state of natural danger. animals in the habitat are representatives of wild fauna; sick and experimental animals/birds; animals whose mass together with the container exceeds 50 кг.
9.5.6. The weight of the container (cage/carrier) together with the animal during transportation in the cabin of the aircraft or in the passenger seat should not exceed 12 kg. It is not allowed to place 2 or more animals in the same container (cage/carrier), except in cases of prior individual agreement with the Airline. The total size of the container (cage /carrier) does not exceed the parameters of 115 cm in the sum of three dimensions, allowing you to place the container with the animal(cage/carrier) under the chair in front.
9.5.7. Domestic animals (birds) are placed in a lockable container (cage/carrier) during
transportation both in the cabin of the aircraft and in the luggage compartments of the
% Container (cage/carrier) is made of hard plastic, fiberglass, metal, welded
mesh, solid wood or plywood. When transporting an animal in the cabin of the aircraft, a
container(cage/carrier) made of dense textiles is allowed.
The container (cage/carrier)
is large enough for the animal to stand in it in its natural position, as well as to lie down
and turn around, both when transporting the animal in the cabin of the aircraft and in the BGO
of the aircraft.
% The container (cage/carrier) is clean, odorless, has a reliable
locking device that excludes spontaneous opening, has ventilation holes. The holes are small
enough that the animal cannot injure itself by sticking any part of the body through them, and
guarantees protection from bites and scratching by the animal.
The bottom of the
container (cage/carrier) is dense, moisture-proof, covered with non-toxic absorbent material and
has a rim around the perimeter of the bottom to prevent spillage of absorbent material. The
container lid is solid, but ventilation holes or welded mesh are allowed over the entire
surface, provided that they do not reduce the tightness of the container and the strength of the
lid itself, both when transporting an animal in the cabin of the aircraft and in the BGO of the
The container door is made of plastic, wood, plywood, welded or cast metal of
sufficient thickness so that the animal does not bend or deform the door. The door can be
sliding or swinging. For all containers using doors with locking pins, the pins must engage the
container by at least 1.6 mm. When using rigid plastic containers, the door is additionally
secured with additional removable fasteners, such as cable ties in the four corners of the door
frame. The attachment must not cause any harm to the animal or service personnel.
container (cage/carrier) is equipped with handles for easy transport. If the weight of the cage
with the animal is more than 23 kg, the handles must be at least 2
9.5.8. Domestic (tamed) animals and birds are accepted for transportation, provided that the Passenger assumes full responsibility for them. The Airline is not responsible for personal injury, loss, delay in delivery, illness or death of such animals and birds, as well as in the event of refusal to import or transport them through any country or territory.
9.5.9. Dogs of brachycephalic breeds (with a shortened front part of the skull: pugs, Pekingese, Shih Tzu, boxers, griffins, bulldogs, etc.) are allowed to be transported only in the cabin of the aircraft in hand luggage due to their sensitivity to temperature changes and stress, in accordance with the rules for transporting animals in the cabin of the aircraft. Transportation of these dog breeds by baggage and cargo is prohibited. For the carriage of animals of the specified breeds, the Passenger must fill out an Exemption from liability for the carriage of live animals (Appendix 4 of the Rules). Before departure, the completed warranty statement is sent to the Airline's Representative.
9.5.10. Conditions of transportation of animals in BGO VS:
- plastic containers: If the containers are assembled from the lower and upper parts, they are securely bolted together. Use only plastic clips to secure the lower and upper parts;
- wooden containers: For a container made of wood or plywood, the minimum wall thickness is 12 mm for dogs and 6 mm for cats;
- the thickness of the welded mesh is at least 2.5 mm for dogs and 2.0 mm or more for cats;
- for the carriage of animals in the luggage compartment, a Passenger must fill in the exemption from liability for the carriage of live animals (Appendix 4 of the Rules).
9.5.11. Conditions for transportation of animals in the cabin inС: The container (cage/carrier) with the bird is covered with a thick light-proof cloth. When transporting an animal / bird in the cabin of an aircraft during take-off, landing, or passing through a turbulence zone, the cage is safely placed under the seat of a forward-facing seat or on the spot as directed by the flight attendant and does not interfere with the comfort or service of other passengers. The weight of a pet (bird) and a service dog, the weight of a container (cage/carrier) and food intended for feeding the animal (bird) are not included in the free baggage allowance and are paid by the Passenger in accordance with the fare established by the Airline. In case of registration of transportation of an animal in the passenger seat of the aircraft cabin, payment of the fare for transportation of the animal is not required. If the Airline agrees to accommodate and transport two or more animals in one cage, the fare for transportation of the animal is paid for each animal separately. Passengers carrying an animal in the passenger cabin of the aircraft are provided with seats in accordance with the layout of the aircraft. It is forbidden to place in the area of emergency exits, near kitchens and toilets, near partitions, in the same block of seats with passengers with children or with other passengers transporting animals, except in cases when animals live in a family (their transportation is requested in one booking). Transportation of a service dog in the cabin of the Aircraft with the consent of
the Airline is carried out upon presentation to the Airline of a document confirming that the
Passenger accompanying the service dog is an employee of the cynological service of the federal
executive authority, and a document confirming the special training of the service dog.
The service dog carried in the cabin of the aircraft has a collar and muzzle and is tied to the
seat at the feet of the Passenger who accompanies it.
Payment for service dog
transportation is regulated by the Airline's internal documents (contracts, orders, etc.)
Transportation of service dogs whose dimensions do not meet the standards established by the
Airline for the carriage of animals in the cabin of the aircraft is carried out only in the BGO
inС. A guide dog accompanying a visually impaired Passenger is transported free of charge in excess of the established free carry-on baggage allowance, without weight restriction, upon presentation of a document confirming the disability of the Visually impaired Passenger and upon presentation of a document confirming the special training of the guide dog. The guide dog has a collar and muzzle and is tied to the seat at the feet of the passenger it is accompanying. Passengers traveling with a guide dog are provided with seats at the end of the aircraft cabin (with the exception of seats near emergency exits and in the block of seats near the partitions of the aircraft cabin).
9.6.1 Ski Equipment
A passenger can
carry as luggage one set of ski equipment in a case weighing no more than 23 kg.
The set of
ski equipment includes: skis, poles, boots, helmet or snowboard, poles, boots, helmet, on air
tickets issued at baggage rates. Everything is packed in one common or two separate cases.
According to the Smart Light Group's tariffs, ski equipment is transported for a fee.
9.6.2 Bike
Bicycles may be carried as checked baggage if the following conditions
are met:
- the bike is properly packed in a special paper box or protective film to prevent movement of the front wheel fork;
- the handlebar is attached to the bike;
- pedals are disconnected;
- no more than 2 seats (frame+separately packed wheels) are considered as one.
The scooter can be carried in hand luggage if it has a folding
mechanism, packaging or cover and corresponds to the approved weight and dimensions of the fare
for which the ticket was purchased. You can carry a scooter in hand luggage free of charge at
the expense of the established carry-on baggage allowance.
9.6.4 Hockey equipment
Case with equipment + case with 2 clubs or a pair of skates,
no more than 2 seats, is considered as one and is included in the free baggage allowance luggage.
9.6.5 Golf Equipment
Golf equipment packed in one case (one seat) is included in the
free baggage allowance luggage.
9.6.6 Fishing equipment
Fishing rods, spinning rods, and other fishing equipment are
included in the free baggage allowance (the three-dimensional limit is ignored). For fares that
do not include the free rate of carriage - it is carried for a fee (the rate for the size of
three dimensions is ignored).
9.6.7 Other sports equipment (including hard hats, sports and motorcycle helmets)
is considered as one seat and is included in the free allowance of hand luggage and / or
If the amount of the Passenger's baggage items exceeds the amount indicated in
the ticket, as well as if the weight and/or size of the equipment exceeds the established norms
of one free carry-on baggage and/or baggage allowance, the "Sports Equipment"baggage rate will
be applied for the above-mentioned items.
9.7.1 The baggage allowance is determined by the current norms of the Russian Federation and international law, as well as the current rules of the Airline.
«Smart Pro»Group rates | «Smart» Group rates | «Smart Light» Group rates |
1 seat Seat weight -23 kg. Seat dimensions-203 cm in the sum of 3 dimensions |
1 seat Seat weight -10 kg. Seat dimensions - 203 cm in the sum of 3 dimensions |
No |
9.7.2 For children under 2 years of age without providing a separate seat, the free baggage allowance for checked baggage is 1 seat weighing no more than 10 kg and the amount of 3 dimensions is no more than 115 см.
9.7.3 At the request of passengers traveling together for the same purpose of travel to the same destination or stopping point on the same flight (family members, persons traveling together or going on a business trip), and when such Passengers conclude air transportation contracts that provide for the free baggage allowance, baggage can be combined taking into account: the amount of free baggage allowance by weight of each passenger.
9.7.4 If passengers purchase tickets with fares that do not provide for free baggage allowance, and if such passengers pay for baggage at the baggage rate set by the Airline, the Airline, at the request of passengers, combines the baggage weight provided for in the baggage rate.
9.7.5 It is prohibited to combine the baggage allowance and paid baggage for one passenger.
9.7.6 After the Airline applies the association of free baggage allowance rules for the following passengers (1 seat no more than 30 kg), the remaining baggage is accepted for carriage with payment in accordance with baggage rates.
9.7.7 Carry-on baggage and baggage allowance rates cannot be combined.
9.7.8 The weight of one piece of combined baggage must not exceed 30 kg, dimensions 203 cm in the sum of 3 dimensions and is accepted for carriage without additional charge.
9.7.9 In case of combining the baggage allowance of an infant under 2 years of age with the baggage allowance of an adult passenger (ticket or purchased baggage allowance), the permissible size of the combined baggage is 203 cm in the sum of three dimensions.
9.7.10 For individual destinations/flights/fare offers/passenger categories, the Airline may change the standard free baggage allowance and carry-on baggage allowance to increase or decrease.
9.7.11 At check-in, the passenger must present the items he is carrying for weighing, with the exception of items that he may need during boarding, disembarking and in flight.
9.7.12 Each piece of checked baggage has proper packaging that ensures its safety during
transportation and processing, excluding access to the contents of the bag and the possibility
of causing harm to passengers, crew members of the aircraft, third parties, damage to the
aircraft, baggage of other passengers or other property.
Baggage that does not meet the
requirements of this paragraph is not allowed for carriage.
Baggage that has external
damage that does not affect its safety during transportation and processing and cannot cause
harm to passengers, aircraft crew members, third parties, damage the aircraft, baggage of other
passengers or other property, can be accepted for carriage as checked baggage with the approval
of the Airline:
- at the place where the ticket was purchased;
- in in our own sales offices and authorized air ticket sales agency;
- via call-center Airlines;
- through site Airlines;
- via social networks and messengers specified on official site Airlines.
9.8.1. The passenger has the right to declare the value of their checked baggage both at the point of departure and at any intermediate point along the transportation route. In addition, the Passenger has the right to increase the amount of previously declared baggage value.
9.8.2. For declaring the value of baggage, a fee is charged according to the Airline's fare rules. The declared value must not exceed the actual value of the baggage. The value of checked baggage is declared separately for each piece of baggage.
9.8.3. The fee for the declared value of checked baggage is paid at the point where this value is declared, and is certified by a receipt for payment of excess baggage or an order for various fees, indicating the points between which the Passenger has declared transportation of baggage with the declared value. If a Passenger declares a higher value of their baggage at an intermediate point along the route than previously announced, they must pay an additional fee.
9.8.4. When a Passenger declares the value of baggage to be delivered for carriage, the Airline has the right to require the Passenger to present the contents of the baggage for inspection and, if the amount of the declared value and the contents of the baggage clearly do not match, to establish its actual value.
9.8.5. The passenger must provide proof of the value of the checked baggage (invoice, price list, receipt or other document) for which the value is declared. In the absence of the necessary proof of the amount of declared value, the Airline has the right to refuse to carry baggage with the declared value in the amount specified by the Passenger.
9.8.6. In order to determine the actual cost of baggage, the Airline has the right to create a commission consisting of an Airline Representative, an Airport SOP shift supervisor, a check-in attendant, a senior baggage handler, or грузчика.
9.8.7. All items accepted for carriage as baggage with a declared value are in good working order and firmly packed. The weight and dimensions of valuable baggage do not exceed the established baggage allowance. The airline has the right to refuse to accept checked baggage with declared value if the baggage packaging is found not to comply with the requirements of the Rules or if the baggage requires special precautions during the flight. переinозке.
When serving on board the aircraft, the airline:
- informs passengers about the flight conditions and Rules 13 of the Rules), as well as the location of the main and emergency exits, the conditions for leaving the aircraft in emergency situations, and the location of emergency equipment in the cabin of the aircraft;
- provides drinking water (hot-if the Passenger has his own thermocup) and, if necessary, first aid.
11.1 If additional services are provided to passengers that are not specified in the Terms and Conditions for applying fares, the Airline acts exclusively as an agent of a third Party. It is the third Party that provides such services.
11.2 If additional services are provided by a third Party, the Airline issues a transport document/voucher for third-party transportation or other services other than air transportation.
12.1. Passenger claims with a claim for payment of material compensation are a written application with the necessary supporting documents attached.
12.2. An individual (Passenger) or a legal entity representing the interests of the Passenger in accordance with the procedure established by law has the right to file claims against the Airline.
12.3. If the claim is submitted by another person on behalf of the Passenger, a copy of the document confirming the authority to act on behalf of the Passenger must be attached to the claim.
12.4. Claims against the Airline with a claim for payment of material compensation are accepted in writing, sent to the postal address of the Airline: 163053, Arkhangelsk region, Arkhangelsk, pos. Talazhsky aviagorodok, Arkhangelsk Airport Street.
12.5. Claims for damage or loss of baggage are accepted both in writing to the Airline's email address and on the Airline's website: Damage/loss of luggage claim.
12.6. The claim is accepted for consideration if the applicant complies with the deadline for submission:
12.6.1. In the case of domestic transportation, a claim against the Airline may be filed by the Passenger within six months. The specified time limit is calculated as follows:
- for claims for damages for missing or damaged baggage, as well as for delay in baggage delivery-from the day following the day of their issue;
- in all other cases-from the day of occurrence of the event that gave rise to the claim. to file a claim.
12.6.2. For international transportation within the following time limits:
- in case of damage to baggage – within 7 calendar days from the date of baggage collection and no later;
- in case of delay in baggage delivery – within 21 calendar days from the date of baggage collection to the Passenger or person who has received the baggage. to the person entitled to receive it;
- in case of loss of baggage – within 18 months from the date of arrival of the aircraft at the destination or from the day when it was supposed to arrive, or from the date of termination of air transportation;
- on all other cases – from the date of occurrence of the event that gave rise to the claim.
12.7. List of documents attached to the claim:
12.7.1. In case of late delivery/loss of baggage:
- boarding pass (optional);
- baggage tag or commercial certificate (optional);
- non-arrival certificate or baggage search application (required). Baggage claim form/A certificate of non-arrival of baggage is issued at the airport on the day of arrival. In the absence of documents, the claim is not considered;
- application for money transfer (required).
12.7.2. If your luggage is damaged:
- luggage tag or commercial certificate (optional);
- boarding pass (optional);
- commercial act (required). A commercial certificate of damage / shortage of baggage is issued before leaving the terminal building on the day of arrival. In the absence of a commercial report, the claim is not considered in accordance with clause 1 of Article 124 of the IBD of the Russian Federation;
- information about the weight of an empty suitcase (required);
- application for transfer of funds (required).
12.7.3. In case of flight delay/cancellation:
- itinerary receipt;
- other documents confirming expenses for the stated claims (payment for hotel, food, travel by other transport, etc.);
- full details of the Passenger's bank account for transferring monetary compensation.
12.7.4. If the ticket/service is returned or costs/losses are reimbursed for other reasons. Claims are accepted if the Passenger (authorized person) cannot apply for a refund for unused transportation/service at the place of payment:
- itinerary receipt (air ticket);
- documents confirming payment for additional services;
- other documents confirming the need to return the ticket/services;
- originals or duly certified copies of documents confirming the amount of damage (cash and product receipts, payment receipts, expert reports, etc.);
- application for money transfer with attached banking details.
12.8. The inability to provide originals and copies must be confirmed or follow from the claim materials. Cheques, receipts and other documents submitted for payment as incurred losses must be attached without fail.
12.9. The response period to a claim is 30 days from the date of receipt. The response is sent to the email address if it is available, or to the postal address if it is not available. адрес.
12.10. The claim is not subject to review in the following cases:
- the claim statement does not contain information about the addressee (full name, postal or email address, contact phone number);
- the claim text cannot be read;
- The passenger was provided with a written response to a similar claim, but no new arguments or circumstances are provided in the application;
- the claim contains obscene or offensive expressions, threats to the life, health and property of Airline employees, as well as their family members;
- the claim does not contain specific requirements on the fact of causing harm.
13.1. Passengers have the right:
- to demand the provision of all services stipulated in the terms of the air transportation contract;
- if their life, health, honor and dignity are in danger - to contact the Airline's employees, representatives of law enforcement agencies and demand that they take measures to protect their safety. security features.
13.2. Passengers are required to pay
- pass pre-flight screening, baggage and hand luggage screening before boarding the aircraft;
- unconditionally comply with reasonable requirements of ground service personnel, the aircraft commander and recommendations of other crew members;
- comply with the rules for transporting baggage and hand luggage;
- take care of the safety of hand luggage and things carried in the cabin of the aircraft, and at the exit - take with you the hand luggage and things placed on board the aircraft;
- observe discipline and order.
13.3. Passengers are not allowed to:
- carry as baggage items that may cause harm to the aircraft, persons or property on board the aircraft, animals and birds (with the exception of domestic animals (birds) and service dogs), insects, fish planting material, reptiles, rodents, experimental and sick animals, as well as objects and substances air transportation of which as baggage is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as the legislation of the country, to, from or through the territory of which the transportation is carried out;
- create situations that threaten the life, health, honor and dignity of other passengers, as well as aviation personnel do not allow any verbal abuse, threats, or even physical violence against them;
- create conditions that prevent employees from performing their official duties and hinder the service of other passengers;
- be intoxicated, consume alcoholic beverages brought with you on board the aircraft, except for those offered by the crew;
- smoke on board the aircraft during the entire flight;
- create conditions that are uncomfortable for other passengers;
- damage the Airline's property, use it for personal purposes, remove it from the aircraft;
- use emergency rescue equipment without the appropriate instructions from the crew;
- transfer to seats not specified in the boarding pass on their own, except for the following cases: requirements of the crew;
- use electronic devices and communication devices that are not switched to the "Flight mode" state during taxiing, take-off, climb, descent and landing inС.
13.4. Liability of passengers for violation of the Rules of Conduct
- on domestic airlines of the Russian Federation - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
- on international airlines - in accordance with the requirements of international air law and legislation in force in the State of embarkation, regardless of the state in which the aircraft used for the flight is registered or operated;
- if the offense is committed outside the Russian Federation, but is directed against the interests protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and the offender has not suffered the appropriate punishment on the territory of a foreign state, in accordance with Article 12 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, he is subject to such punishment upon return to Russia.
14.1.1. The unaccompanied child
transportation service on the Airline's flights applies to children aged 5-12 years. At the request
of the parent (or legal representative), the service of transportation of unaccompanied children can
also be applied to children over 12 years of age.
The child's age is determined as of the start
date of transportation from the departure airport (point) specified in the transportation
You can book and pay for the service:
- at the place of ticket purchase;
- in own sales offices and authorized agencies selling air tickets ;
- through call-center Airlines;
- through site Airlines;
- via social networks and messengers specified on official site Airlines, no later than 3 hours prior to the start of check-in at the airport. рейс.
14.1.2. Parents or legal representatives of the
child should issue a "Notice of Special Treatment" in 4 copies on the Airline's letterhead
(Appendix 5) received at the place of purchase of the service.
"Notification of special
treatment" is filled in manually and provided at check-in. All entries are made clearly,
legibly, in block letters with a ballpoint pen.
14.1.3. Unaccompanied children are accepted for transportation if the following requirements are met by legal representatives:
- presence of a completed and signed "Special Treatment Notice" in 4 copies;
- presence of an accompanying person at the airport before the flight departs;
- availability of a meeting person at the arrival airport.
Unaccompanied children who require special services, such as ordering a wheelchair to move around the airport, hygiene or toilet assistance, medical procedures or additional care, are not allowed to be transported under the Airline's supervision.
14.1.4. Unaccompanied children can only be checked in at the airport check-in desk. A representative of the Airline or an Authorized Agent accepts the child from the accompanying person( parents or authorized person), signs the Notification and is personally responsible for the child until it is handed over to the responsible person бортпроinоднику.
14.1.5. Checked baggage of an unaccompanied child with a special marking tag (if provided at the airport).
14.1.6. A representative of the Airline or an Authorized agent is responsible for the child and accompanies him through the entire chain of further service procedures at the airport, up to the transfer of the child to the meeting persons at the airport.
14.1.7. A representative of the Airline or an Authorized agent, after passing through passport control, will arrange the transfer of the child to the meeting persons in the arrival hall. The child transfer procedure includes:
- arranging the delivery of the child's luggage until it is handed over to the person receiving it;
- identifying the person receiving it and checking the documents for compliance with the data specified in the Notification/
- transfer of the child, his / her "Hand luggage", personal items and checked baggage to the meeting persons with the registration of documents.
14.1.8. The person who meets the child indicated in the application must be present at the airport at the time of arrival of the flight and have a valid identity document with them.
14.1.9. In case of absence of the meeting person and the need to accommodate an unaccompanied child at the destination airport, the child's maintenance costs are paid by the sending or meeting party.
14.2.1. An infant under two years of age, as well as a disabled child under twelve years of age, are transported only accompanied by an adult Passenger or a Passenger who, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, has acquired full legal capacity before reaching the age of eighteen (who are the child's parents or legal representatives).
14.2.2. Consent to a child's departure abroad is issued in accordance with the requirements of Article 20 of Federal Law No. 114-FZ of August 15, 1996 "On the procedure for Leaving the Russian Federation and Entering the Russian Federation": A minor citizen of the Russian Federation leaves the Russian Federation together with at least one of the parents (legal representatives). If a minor citizen of the Russian Federation leaves the Russian Federation unaccompanied, he must have with him, in addition to the passport, a notarized consent of the named persons to leave the minor citizen of the Russian Federation, indicating the time of departure and the state that he intends to visit.
14.2.3. There is no separate chair provided for the baby, since he / she is sitting on the
lap of an adult. Use of your own certified car seat (bassinet) on board the aircraft for a child
under 2 years of age is provided subject to the purchase of a ticket for a child of a separate
passenger seat on board the aircraft. The airline does not provide baby car seats
The car seat (cradle) must be marked by the manufacturer, confirming the
possibility of its use in air transport. For example, "This restraint is certified for use in
automobiles and airplanes", "Approved for use on airplanes only".
seats/bassinets should not exceed L*W in size*In 50x40x70 cm. If the specified dimensions are
exceeded, the chair / bassinet is issued for transportation as baggage without charge.
Transportation of a child in a non-certified child seat/bassinet is prohibited.
14.2.4. It is recommended to place child seats (car seats, bassinets) on board the aircraft:
- in places near the window;
- next to the responsible person accompanying the infant or child using a child restraint;
- child seats must be attached to the passenger seat in such a way that they do not interfere with the evacuation of any passenger and safe access to emergency equipment;
- the car seat (cradle) must be installed on the passenger seat and fixed with seat belts in accordance with the safety requirements of the manufacturer of child restraints;
- if you do not have your own certified car seat (bassinet) to accommodate a child under 2 years old in a separate seat, passengers may be denied access to переinозке.
14.2.5. Flight attendants offer the person carrying the infant a child safety belt and explain how to use it. They also instruct you on how to act in the event of an emergency. The correct use of the seat belt is checked during the interior inspection inС.
14.2.6. It is forbidden to fasten a baby in the same seat belt as an adult.
14.2.7. Placement of the child in a row is carried out in accordance with the number of available oxygen masks. It is forbidden to install the baby's seat near the emergency exit or where it can block the passage of passengers to the exit.
14.2.8. If an adult is traveling with more than one child under the age of two, then one child can sit on the lap of an accompanying adult, other children are transported with separate seats;
14.2.9. A separate seat is always required for children aged 2-12 years.
14.2.10.It is prohibited to fasten two children with one belt.
14.2.11. If the child cannot be properly strapped in because the seat belt is too long, place a blanket or pillow between the child's back and the back of the chair.
14.2.12. Each child aged from 2 to 12 years, regardless of the applicable fare, is provided with a separate seat in the cabin of the aircraft and is allowed to carry free baggage according to the norm established by the air transportation contract. If in these cases baggage is carried in excess of the free baggage allowance, it is paid at the appropriate baggage rate.
14.2.13. Passengers with children are prohibited from providing seats near emergency exits and emergency equipment.
14.2.14. A child under 12 years of age and the passenger accompanying him/her shall be provided with adjacent seats on board the aircraft in the same row, not separated by an aisle (hereinafter referred to as adjacent passenger seats), in accordance with the class of service and compliance with flight safety requirements, without charging an additional fee.
An additional fee for the selection and provision of adjacent passenger seats to passengers upon check-in in accordance with the class of service on board the aircraft and compliance with flight safety requirements shall not be charged.
14.3.1. Transportation of a pregnant woman is
carried out on condition that the Airline is not responsible to the pregnant woman for the
consequences. For transportation at the check-in desk, the Passenger fills out the Passenger's
Guarantee Obligation (Appendix No. 3).
Pregnant women traveling from the 28th week provide a
medical certificate with registration of the passenger's Warranty Obligation (Appendix No. 3). The
guarantee obligation is transferred to the Airline's Representative.
Note: Expectant
mothers should fasten their seat belts under their TUMMY
14.3.2. The rules for sick passengers/persons with disabilities apply for children born before the due date, who have a medical certificate and MEDA category.
14.4.1. The Airline is not responsible for refusing a Passenger entry/exit to /from the country.
14.4.2. The Passenger must, at the request of the Airline or state authorities, return to the point of departure or other destination that involves unhindered entry, due to the refusal of the country to accept this Passenger, regardless of whether this country is the destination or transit point.
14.4.3. At the request of the Airline, a Passenger who has been denied entry to the country is obliged to compensate the Airline's expenses related to the transportation of such a Passenger.
14.4.4. Deported (expelable) persons in custody/under escort are accepted for transportation only on flights without intermediate landings.
14.5.1. In accordance with Article 106.1 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, passengers ' disability and disability cannot be grounds for requesting documents confirming the state of health of such passengers due to their disability or disability. All services are provided to the Passenger only on the basis of their request and cannot be imposed. The Passenger notifies the Airline of the need to provide such services:
- at the place of ticket purchase;
- in in our own sales offices and authorized air ticket sales agency;
- via call-center Airlines;
- through site Airlines;
- via social networks and messengers specified on official site Airlines.
14.5.2. If a Passenger with disabilities or other persons with disabilities has not notified the Airline of their disability in accordance with the procedure provided for in paragraph 2.6 of the Rules, the Airline will not be able to guarantee that they will be provided with the appropriate conditions for air transportation.
14.5.3. At the airport, Passengers with disabilities and other persons with disabilities are provided with the following services by the airport operator, who has a certificate for performing airport passenger service activities, without charging an additional fee:
- escort and assistance when moving around the airport (including at the places of boarding the vehicle flight check-in and baggage handling for air transportation, pre-flight and post-flight inspections, border and customs control at the airport, boarding and disembarking from the aircraft, baggage collection upon arrival of the aircraft;
- provision of special means of transportation (including wheelchairs) that allow passengers with disabilities and other persons with disabilities to move around the airport;
- duplication of information provided at the airport and necessary for familiarizing passengers with disabilities and other persons with disabilities life-saving information;
- providing boarding and disembarking from the aircraft, including using a special lifting device (ambulift) that is not able to move independently for Passengers with disabilities and other persons with disabilities;
- provision for temporary use of a wheelchair to a disabled Passenger or other persons with disabilities who is unable to move independently, in case of delay in delivery to the destination airport or intermediate landing airport of a special vehicle for movement belonging to a disabled Passenger or other persons with disabilities, or loss or damage (damage) of this vehicle for air transportation;
- guide dog walking assistance for Passengers with visual impairments.
14.6.1. Transportation of convicted persons and persons held in custody on board the aircraft is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in compliance with transport (aviation) security measures.
14.6.2. Booking of transportation for this category of passengers is made no later than 24 hours in advance:
- at the place of ticket purchase;
- in in our own sales offices and authorized air ticket sales agency;
- via call-center Airlines;
- through site Airlines;
- via social networks and messengers specified on official site Airlines.
14.6.3. Convicted persons and persons held in custody are transported accompanied by escorts, at least three escorts to accompany one person.
14.6.4. Convicted and detained persons are constantly monitored by the convoy during the flight, including during toilet visits.
14.6.5. Smoking accessories are withdrawn and placed together with hand luggage in the luggage compartment of the aircraft. Personal items and luggage are carried in the baggage (cargo) compartment inС.
14.6.6. Convicted persons and persons in custody (except for women and minors) are escorted in flight in handcuffs.
14.6.7. Access to the toilet is carried out at their request, only one at a time, after a thorough inspection of the toilet, under the protection of the sentry and the head of the guard or his assistant. The toilet door remains ajar when the escorted man is in it, and the handcuffs are removed.
- Smartavia Airlines Joint Stock Company
Reserving – fixing a passenger seat and carrying capacity on the aircraft for transporting a Passenger and baggage for a specific flight and дату.
Air transport Contract – the carrier's obligation to deliver the passenger, baggage, cargo or mail to the destination airport (point) and issue it to the recipient within the specified time, the passenger's and sender's obligation to pay for transportation at the specified rate and comply with the rules in force for the duration of transportation. Each contract of air transportation is certified by transport documents - a ticket, baggage receipt, cargo or postal waybill, as well as a receipt for various fees.
Identity document:
- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- diplomatic passport;
- service passport;
- birth certificate for persons with disabilities under 14 years of age military ID card;
- military ID card;
- temporary ID card issued by the internal affairs bodies;
- military ID card for conscripted or contracted military personnel;
- release certificate for persons released from prison;
- national passport (for foreigners);
- residence permit (for foreigners).
Calibrator - a device for determining the dimensions of hand luggage
The Airline's call center is a division of the Airline responsible for processing incoming calls and informing passengers via voice communication channels (the call center's contacts are located on site Airlines).
Itinerary receipt – a document certifying the conclusion of a contract between the passenger and the carrier for passenger transportation, received during payment and registration of the air ticket.
Passazhir – an individual, with the exception of crew members, who is transported or must be transported on an aircraft in accordance with the air transportation contract.
Passenger Fare – the cost of Passenger transportation between the point of departure and destination.
Boarding Pass – a document issued to a passenger accepted for carriage on an aircraft, which indicates the initials and surname of the passenger, flight number, departure date, end time of boarding the flight, gate number and seat number on board the aircraft.
RULES - I-156-012 Passenger Transport RULES
Cargo capacity – part of the passenger cabin, baggage, cargo compartments of the aircraft used for commercial loading.
Fare - the carriage fee is determined on the basis of the amount of money set by the Airline for the transportation of passengers and / or baggage between two points on the transportation route.
Authorized agent – a natural or legal person who, on behalf of the Airline, makes reservations, sales and registration of transportation and additional services on the Airline's flights in accordance with the procedure and under the terms of the agency agreement (agreement) concluded with it.
section of the transportation route is a part of the transportation performed by one carrier without stopping or changing the flight number.
Electronic boarding Pass – an electronic document confirming the fact that a passenger is accepted for boarding. переinозке.
BGO – baggage and cargo compartment of an aircraft
AC – aircraft
FAP-82 - Federal Aviation Regulations "General Rules for Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and requirements for servicing Passengers, Shippers, and Consignees", approved by Order No. 82 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated 28.06.2007 (with amendments and additions)
LAR - Live Animals Regulations-Rules for transporting live animals ИАТА.
Rules for the carriage of liquids, objects and substances in checked baggage and hand baggage
1. General restrictions
Baggage must not include:
- items that pose a danger to aircraft, persons or property on board such aircraft, listed in the "Technical Instructions for the Safe Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Air" of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and in the "Rules for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods" of the International Air Transport Association. IATA);
- items prohibited by applicable laws or regulations in the States of departure, arrival, or transit;
- items that, in the reasonable opinion of the Airline, are unsuitable for transportation due to the fact that they are dangerous, unsafe due to their weight, size, shape or origin, or are breakable or perishable, taking into account, among other things, the type of equipment used inС.
2. List of liquids, items and substances prohibited for carriage in checked baggage and hand baggage
2.1. Explosives, explosive devices and items filled with them:
- gunpowder, in any package and in any quantity;
- live ammunition (including small-caliber ones);
- gas weapon cartridges;
- hunting caps;
- pyrotechnic devices: signal and lighting flares, signal cartridges, landing bombs, smoke cartridges (checkers), demolition matches, sparklers, railway firecrackers;
- tnt, dynamite, tol, ammonal and other explosives;
- primers- detonators, electric detonators, electric igniters, detonating and fire-conducting cord, etc.;
- other items containing explosives.
2.2. Compressed and liquefied gases:
- household gases (butane-propane) and other gases;
- nerve and tear gas cans, etc. т.д.
2.3. Flammable liquids:
- acetone;
- gasoline;
- samples of highly flammable petroleum products;
- methanol;
- methyl acetate (methyl ester);
- carbon disulfide;
- ethers;
- ethylcellosolina.
2.4. Flammable solids:
- substances subject to spontaneous combustion;
- substances that emit flammable gases when interacting with water: potassium, sodium, metallic calcium and their alloys, calcium phosphorous, etc.;
- phosphorus white, yellow and red and all other substances classified as flammable solids.
2.5. Oxidizing agents and organic peroxides:
- colloidal nitrocellulose, in granules or flakes, dry or wet, containing less than 25% water or solvent;
- colloidal nitrocellulose, in lumps, wet, containing less than 25% alcohol;
- nitrocellulose, dry or wet containing less than 30% solvent or 20% water and т.д.
2.6. Toxic substances.
2.7. Radioactive materials.
2.8. Caustic and corrosive substances: < ul>
2.9. Toxic and toxic substances:
- any toxic strong and toxic substances in liquid or solid state, packed in any container,
- brucine,
- nicotine,
- strychnine,
- tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol,
- antifreeze,
- brake fluid,
- ethylene glycol,
- mercury,
- all prussic acid salts and cyanide preparations,
- zyklon, cyanoplav, arsenic anhydride and т.д.
2.10. Weapons: pistols, revolvers, rifles, carbines and other firearms, gas, pneumatic weapons, electric shock devices, cutlasses, stilettos, amphibious bayonet knives, except in cases and in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
2.11. Other dangerous substances, objects and cargo that can be used as weapons of attack on passengers and crew of the aircraft, as well as creating a threat to flight safety inС.
3. List of liquids, objects and substances allowed for transportation on board the aircraft (subject to the required conditions)
3.1. In checked baggage:
- crossbows, spearfishing rifles, checkers, sabers, cleavers, scimitars, broadswords, swords, swords, bayonets, daggers, knives: hunting knives, knives with ejecting blades, with locking locks, imitators of any type of weapon;
- household knives (scissors) with a blade length over 60 mm;
- fish, game or hunting trophies;
- alcoholic beverages containing more than 24%, but not more than 70% alcohol by volume in containers with a capacity of not more than 5 liters, in containers intended for retail trade-not more than 5 liters per passenger;
- liquids and alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content by volume of not more than more than 24%;
- aerosols intended for use in sports or household purposes, exhaust valves of cans that are protected by caps from spontaneous release of contents in containers with a capacity of no more than 0.5 kg or 500 ml-no more than 2 kg or 2 liters per passenger.
3.2. in hand luggage and luggage in the cabin of the aircraft:
- medical thermometer — one per passenger. Transportation of mercury medical thermometers in hand luggage and baggage in the cabin of the aircraft and other things that are with the Passenger is prohibited.
- mercury tonometer in a standard case — one per passenger;
- mercury barometer or pressure gauge packed in an airtight container and sealed with the sender's seal;
- disposable lighters — one per passenger;
- dry ice for cooling perishable products — no more than 2kg per passenger;
- 3% hydrogen peroxide-no more than 100 ml per passenger,
- liquids, gels and aerosols classified as non-hazardous: in containers with a capacity of no more than 100 ml (or equivalent capacity in other units of volume), packed in a securely closed transparent plastic bag with a volume of no more than 1 l — one package per passenger.
Liquids purchased in duty-free shops at the airport must be packed in a securely sealed (sealed) plastic bag that provides identification of access to the contents of the package during the flight, which has reliable confirmation that this purchase was made in airport duty-free shops or on board the aircraft on the day (s) trips.
4. Transportation of liquids
4.1. The rules for the carriage of liquids provided for in this section apply only to hand luggage.
4.2. Liquids allowed in hand luggage:
- water and other beverages, soups, syrups, jams, honey,
- perfumes, including perfumes, colognes, eau de toilette,
- creams, lotions, oils,
- gels, including hair and shower gels,
- thick pastes, including toothpaste,
- aerosols,
- contents of pressurized containers, including shaving foam,
- other foams and deodorants,
- liquid-solid mixtures,
- mascara for eyelashes and eyebrows,
- any other substances and substances of a similar consistency.
4.3. All liquids listed in clause 4.2 of this Annex should:
- by volume of each package should be a MAXIMUM of 100 ML. Liquids in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml are not accepted for transportation even if the container is only partially filled;
- must be placed in a transparent plastic resealable bag measuring 18x20 cm, the total volume of liquids in the bag (according to the volume of packages) should not exceed 1 l.
4.4. Each passenger can only have one plastic bag in their hand luggage. A Passenger can receive a plastic bag at the departure airport directly in the pre-flight inspection areas.
4.5. If a Passenger needs to take the above liquids as hand luggage, it is strongly recommended that the specified liquids be packed in an appropriate plastic bag or at least prepared for such packaging prior to arrival at the departure airport.
4.6. Passengers can carry in their hand luggage baby food, breast milk, medical supplies and dietary food in the amount required for the duration of the flight, including in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml. The airport's aviation security staff may ask the Passenger to provide proof that they will be needed on the flight (for example, a medical certificate, prescription).
4.7. The liquids listed in clause 4.2 of this Annex, packed in accordance with the Rules, as well as children's and dietary food, and medical preparations must be presented at the airport's aviation security check points separately from other items that make up unregistered baggage. All other liquids that are allowed to be transported by air but do not meet the above requirements must be placed in checked baggage in advance.
4.8. Goods purchased in the duty-free zone that contain liquid will be packed in bags and closed. These packages cannot be opened until they arrive at their final destination.
4.9. When checking hand luggage at the departure airport, authorized personnel may ask the Passenger to open the bag and perform a manual search of its contents. Therefore, Passengers are strongly advised not to wrap their hand luggage in packing tape.
5. Transportation of weapons, ammunition and special equipment
Transportation of weapons and ammunition is paid at the established rates. Adding a service to a booking made outside of the Airline's website is not allowed.
6. Devices, objects and substances prohibited or restricted for movement in the transport (aviation) SECURITY
6.1. Items and substances containing dangerous radioactive agents:
- compounds and articles with radioactive isotopes;
- sources of alpha and neutron radiation;
- sources of beta radiation;
- sources of gamma and bremsstrahlung radiation;
- sample alpha radiation sources;
- sample beta radiation sources;
- gamma radiation sources (based on caesium and cobalt isotopes);
- model X-ray sources;
- closed radionuclide heat sources;
- closed radionuclide heat sources based on alpha radiation radionuclides;
- closed radionuclide heat sources based on alpha radiation radionuclides.based on beta radiation radionuclides.
6.2. Items and substances containing hazardous chemical agents:
- 3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone;
- Adamsite;
- Nitric acid;
- Aconite;
- Aconitine;
- Ammonia;
- Acetic anhydride;
- Arsin;
- Aceclidine (3-quinuclidinyl acetate);
- Bi-Z-Quinuclidyl-3-benzylate (from the English BZ) - 3-quinuclidyl ether of benzylic acid;
- Hydrogen bromide;
- Brucin;
- VI-gas, Vi-Ex (from English VX), EA 1701-O-ethyl-8-2-diisopropylaminoethylmethylphosphonate;
- Tungsten hexafluoride;
- Hyoscyamine-base, camphor (L-tropyltropate (camphor), sulfate (L-tropyltropate (sulfate);
- Gliftor (1,3-difluoropropanol-2 (1) 70 - 75%, 1-fluoro-3-chloropropanol-2 (2) 10-20%); Mustard gas (mustard gas);
- Liquid I-M (ethylcellosol 50%, methanol 50%);
- Liquid containing sodium chloride, Uranyl nitrate, 4-chlorobenzaldehyde;
- Sarin and Soman;
- Snake venom;
- Diborane;
- Isosafrole;
- Carbacholine (N - (Beta-carbamoyloxyethyl)- trimethylammonium chloride);
- Lysergide;
- Lewisite;
- Maleic anhydride;
- Mercaptophos;
- Methyl alcohol;
- Arsenic anhydride and its derivatives, including their dosage forms in various dosages;
- Arsenic anhydride and its derivatives, including their dosage forms in various dosages;
- Novarsenol (5-(3-amino-4-oxyphenylarseno)-2-hydroxyanilinomethylsulfoxylate);
- Perfluoroisobutene;
- Piperonal;
- Promeran (3-chloromercury-2-methoxypropyl urea) and its dosage forms in different dosages;
- Purified bee venom;
- Ricin;
- Metallic mercury and mercury salts;
- Safrole;
- Sulfur dioxide;
- Sulfuric acid;
- Hydrogen sulfide;
- Carbon disulfide;
- CN-chloroacetophenone;
- C-Es (from English CS) - dinitrile o-chlorobenzylidenmalonic acid;
- C-Ar ( from English CR) - dibenzoxazepine;
- Hydrocyanic acid, Zyklon-B and metal cyanides;
- Scopolamine hydrobromide;
- Strychnine nitrate and its dosage forms in different dosages;
- Synthetic ethyl alcohol, technical and food grade, unsuitable for the production of alcoholic beverages;
- Sum of belladonna alkaloids;
- Pyrophosphoric acid salts;
- Cyanide and hydrofluoric acid salts;
- Thallium and its salts;
- Nickel tetracarbonyl;
- Tetraethyl lead and its mixtures with other substances (ethyl liquid and others), except for leaded gasoline;
- Phosphorus trichloride;
- Boron trifluoride;
- Phosgene and diphosgene;
- Zinc Phosphide;
- Phosphorus white (phosphorus yellow);
- Ferrocyanides;
- Fluorine and fluoro-substituted strong organic acids;
- Hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid);
- Formaldehyde;
- Chloroform (Trichloromethane);
- Chlorine and chloro-substituted strong organic acids;
- Boron chloride;
- Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid);
- Chloropicrin;
- Hydrogen cyanide;
- Cyanoic and cyanuric acids, substituted fluorinated and chlorinated;
- Cyanflav;
- Cinchonine;
- Naineleic acid;
- Chilibuha extract;
- Ergometrine and its salts;
- Ergotamine and its salts;
- Ethyl mercuric chloride;
- Ethylene oxide;
- Ethylene glycol.
6.3. Items and substances containing dangerous biological substances agents:
a). Bacteria (including rickettsioses and chlamydia):
- Bacillus anthracis, A22 (anthrax);
- Bartonella quintana, A79.0 (trench fever);
- Brucella species, A23 (brucellosis);
- Burkholderia mallei, A24. 0 (glanders);
- Burkholderia pseudomallei, A24 (melioidosis);
- Franciscella tularensis, A21 (tularemia);
- Salmonella typhi, A01.0 (typhoid fever);
- Shigella species, A03 (shigellosis);
- Vibrio cholerae, A00 (cholera);
- Yersinia pestis, A20 (plague);
- Coxiella burnetii, A78 (Ky fever);
- Orientia tsutsugamushi, A75.3 (tick-borne typhus);
- Rickettsia prowazekii, A75 (epidemic typhus);
- Rickettsia rickettsii, A77.0 (Rocky Mountain spotted fever);
- Chlamydia psittaci, A70 (psittacosis).
b). Fungi:
- Coccidiodes immitis, B38 (coccidioidomycosis).
c). Viruses that cause diseases:
- Hantaan virus disease / Korean and other types of hemorrhagic fever, A98. 5;
- Other viral pneumonia, J12. 8;
- Crimean hemorrhagic fever (caused by the Congo virus), A98. 0;
- Rift Valley Fever, A92. 4;
- Ebola virus disease, A98. 3;
- Marburg virus disease, A98. 4;
- Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, A87. 2;
- Junin, A96. 0 (Argentine hemorrhagic fever);
- Magupo, A96. 1 (Bolivian hemorrhagic fever);
- Lassa fever, A96. 2;
- Tick-borne viral encephalitis / Russian spring-summer encephalitis, A84. 0/ A84;
- Dengue fever, A90 / 91;
- Yellow fever, A95;
- Omsk hemorrhagic fever, A98. 1;
- Japanese encephalitis, A83. 0;
- Western equine encephalomyelitis, A83. 1;
- Eastern equine encephalomyelitis, A83. 2;
- Chikungunya virus disease, A92. 0;
- O ' Nyong-Nyong Fever, A92. 1;
- Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis, A92. 2;
- Variola major, B03 (smallpox);
- Simian pox virus infections, B04;
- White pox (a type of smallpox virus);
- Influenza and pneumonia, J10,11.
d). Protozoa:
- Naeglaeria fowleri, B60.2 (negleriasis);
- Toxoplasma gondii, in58 (toxoplasmosis);
- Schistosoma species, B65 (schistosomiasis).
7. Transportation of ashes
7.1. Transportation of ashes in the cabin of the aircraft is not allowed. The urn with ashes is transported strictly through the cargo terminal as cargo.
7.2. When passing the pre-flight formalities, it is necessary to present documents confirming the origin of the contents of the urn (death certificate and certificate from the crematorium).
8. Medications
The airline does not provide storage and cooling of medicines that require special equipment on board the aircraft transportation.
9. Rules for battery TRANSPORT
9.1. The ability to transport a battery by air depends on the type of battery,
configuration and specific power (Wh, watt-hour), lithium content (for lithium-ion batteries)
and other parameters and is determined taking into account the provisions of the Technical
Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air Doc 9284 of the International
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
For flight safety reasons, Passengers should read the
detailed instructions for carrying batteries on board the aircraft and follow these instructions
(paragraphs 9.6 – 9.7 of Appendix 2).
9.2. Battery-powered electronic devices must be completely switched off (not in standby or
low-power mode) and placed in protective packaging to avoid spontaneous activation or
Suitable protection can be provided in the form of a hard suitcase and / or
shock-absorbing material, such as clothing, to prevent movement.
9.3. In devices (equipment) powered by batteries and capable of generating excessive amounts of heat, the batteries and heating elements must be isolated by removing the heating element, battery or other components.
9.4. Portable electronic smoking devices powered by batteries (e-cigarettes, tubes,
vaporizers, nicotine delivery systems, etc.) can only be carried in hand luggage.
If the
power source of such a device is a lithium battery, the battery must meet the requirements of
paragraphs 9.6 (9.6.1, 9.6.2,9.6.4).
Charging of devices and / or batteries on board the
aircraft is prohibited.
The passenger must take measures to prevent accidental activation
of the heating element of the device on board inС.
9.5. Small personal vehicles powered by lithium batteries (monowheels, segways
(mini-segways), hoverboards, gyroscuters, etc.) are carried exclusively as Checked Baggage,
provided that the lithium battery is removed (removed).
A lithium battery that has been
removed from the vehicle may be carried in hand luggage, provided that it meets the requirements
set out in paragraph 9.6.
9.6. Lithium batteries (including portable electronic devices powered by lithium batteries)
9.6.1. Each battery must be of a type that meets the requirements for passing each test set out in Part III, subsection 38.3 of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria.
9.6.2. The lithium content of a lithium metal battery should not exceed 2%. г.
9.6.3. The specific power of the lithium-ion battery should not exceed 100 inтч.
9.6.4. With the permission of the Airline, transportation is allowed:
- lithium-metal battery for portable medical electronic devices, the lithium content of which exceeds 2 g, but not more than 8 g;
- lithium-ion battery, the specific power of which exceeds 100 Wh, but not more than 160 Wh.
9.6.5. Devices equipped with batteries exceeding:
- lithium content 0.3 g – for lithium-metal batteries; or
- specific power 2.7 Wh - for lithium-ion batteries;
- must be carried in hand luggage if: only the battery (s) have not been removed from such a device.
9.6.6. One Passenger can carry no more than two spare batteries
that meet the requirements of subparagraph (b).
Spare batteries, including power banks,
as well as batteries removed from devices, are carried as hand luggage and must be separately
protected in such a way as to avoid the possibility of short circuits (by placing them in retail
packaging, or otherwise isolating the terminals, for example, by wrapping tape around the open
terminals or placing each battery in a separate plastic bag or protective case).
9.6.7. When transporting batteries in Checked Baggage, the battery must be located inside
the device (equipment).
Transportation of spare batteries or batteries removed from the
device (equipment) in Checked baggage запрещен.
9.6.8. Devices (equipment) powered by a lithium-ion battery with a specific power exceeding 160 Wh are not allowed to be carried in hand luggage and Checked baggage. багаже.
9.7. Non-spillable liquid batteries, nickel metal hydride and dry-charge batteries
The battery may be carried in hand luggage and / or checked baggage if the following conditions
are met:
9.7.1. Non-spillable BATTER
Must meet the requirements of special
provision A67 of the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air
(Doc 9284).
The battery voltage should not exceed 12 V, and the specific power should not
exceed 100 Wh.
The battery must be protected from short circuit by effectively isolating
the open terminals.
One passenger can carry no more than two spare batteries.
If the
battery is in the equipment, the equipment must either be protected from spontaneous actuation,
or each battery must be disconnected and its exposed terminals isolated.
9.7.2. Dry-charging battery
Must meet the requirements of special provision A123,
the nickel-metal hydride battery must meet the requirements of special provision A199 to the
Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284).
10. Rules for the carriage of electric wheelchairs
10.1. Wheelchairs and similar vehicles powered by batteries and used by passengers with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as wheelchairs) are carried in accordance with the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, set out in paragraph 10.5.
10.2. Please note that electric wheelchairs are only available as checked baggage at the check-in desk at the departure airport.
10.3. The Passenger must provide the Airline in advance with information about the type of
battery installed and how to handle the wheelchair.
Passengers are advised to carry
documents for the wheelchair (passport, manufacturer's instructions, etc.) containing
information, including the characteristics of the installed battery, ensuring proper protection
of the battery by the design of the wheelchair, and recommended methods of transportation of the
At the request of the Airline, the Passenger must confirm the type of battery, as
well as its characteristics.
In all cases where the carriage of a wheelchair and/or battery
requires disconnection, removal, isolation of the battery (terminals), packaging, etc., such
actions are performed by the Passenger independently, or upon request for services – by the
service organization.
Passengers are required to carry a set of keys/devices for
disconnecting the battery terminals of the wheelchair, as well as a battery pack in accordance
with the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air.
10.4. When transporting the battery in checked baggage (if the battery is allowed to be carried in the luggage compartment):
- the battery terminals must be protected against short circuits, for example, attached to the battery cover;
- the vehicle must be prepared for transport to prevent unintentional switching on;
- the battery must either be properly protected from damage by the vehicle structure and securely attached to the vehicle, or removed from the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
- the electrical circuits must be isolated;
- the battery removed from the vehicle, must be packed in a strong, rigid packing case.
10.5. Depending on the type of battery, the following requirements apply:
10.5.1. Battery Non-spillable Liquid
Battery requirement:
- the battery complies with special provision A67;
- the battery does not contain any liquid in a free or unabsorbed state.
- with empty battery (if the design of the wheelchair provides adequate battery protection): the battery must be securely attached to the wheelchair and the electrical circuits isolated by the Passenger in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
- with the battery removed (if the design of the wheelchair does not provide adequate battery protection): the battery must be removed by the Passenger in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and placed in a strong, rigid packaging container. комплект.
- no more than one battery.
10.5.2. Nickel Metal Hydride Battery
Battery requirement:
- battery meets a special provision A199.
- with empty battery (if the design of the wheelchair provides adequate battery protection): the battery must be securely attached to the wheelchair and the electrical circuits isolated by the Passenger in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
- with the battery removed (if the design of the wheelchair does not provide adequate battery protection): the battery must be removed by the Passenger in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and placed in a strong, rigid packaging container. комплект.
- no more than two nickel-metal hydride or dry batteries.
10.5.3. Battery dry (dry-charging)
Battery requirements:
- battery meets a special provision A123.
- with empty battery (if the design of the wheelchair provides adequate battery protection): the battery must be securely attached to the wheelchair and the electrical circuits isolated by the Passenger in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
- with the battery removed (if the design of the wheelchair does not provide adequate battery protection): the battery must be removed by the Passenger in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and placed in a strong, rigid packaging container. комплект.
- no more than two nickel-metal hydride or dry batteries.
10.5.4. Battery of spillable type
Battery requirements:
- The battery is equipped with ventilation plugs to prevent spillage, if possible.
- with an empty battery (if the design of the wheelchair provides adequate battery protection): the battery must be securely attached to the wheelchair and the electrical circuits isolated by the Passenger in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
- with the battery removed (if the design of the wheelchair does not provide adequate battery protection or if the wheelchair cannot be held upright): The battery must be removed by the Passenger in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and placed in a strong, rigid packaging package.:
a). the packaging set must be sealed, resistant to chemical attack of the electrolyte and must be protected from tipping over;
b). the battery must be protected from short circuit, stored in an upright position inside the packaging kit using an amount of absorbent material that can absorb the entire volume of the electrolyte liquid;
in). the packaging package must bear the label" BATTERY, WET, WITH WHEELCHAIR"or" BATTERY, WET, WITH MOBILITY AID", the hazard label "Corrosive substance" and the treatment mark "Cargo space orientation".
Number of spare batteries allowed for transportation: spare batteries are not allowed to be transported.
10.5.5. Li-ion batter
Battery requirement:
- The battery meets the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Testing and Criteria Part III, subsection 38.3.
- with a loaded battery (if the design of the wheelchair provides adequate battery protection): the battery must be protected from damage by the design of the wheelchair and securely attached to it, and the electrical circuits are isolated by the Passenger in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
- with the battery removed (if the design of the wheelchair does not provide adequate battery protection): the battery must be removed by the Passenger in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and protected from damage, the battery terminals are protected against short circuits;
- the battery removed (removed) is carried in the cabin of the aircraft. Its energy intensity should not exceed 300 inтч.
- only one spare battery with an energy capacity of no more than 300 Wh or two spare batteries with an energy capacity of no more than 160 Wh are allowed. Transportation is carried out only in the cabin inС.